Meeting agenda – January 15, 2011 – Williamston

MARP Membership Meeting
10 A.M. January 15, 2011
Williamston Museum
369 West Grand River Ave.
Williamston, MI  

  1. Call to Order & circulate sign-in sheet
  2. Today’s agenda – additions, subtractions, approval. 
  3. Check for badges
  4. Welcome prospective members
  5. Introduction of guest speaker – Tim Hoeffner
  6. Guest speaker presentation – Questions & Answers
  7. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings – Hugh Gurney
  8. Treasurer’s report – Dave Randall
  9. Coordinators report
    1. Government affairs – John Langdon
      1. Michigan By Rail
    2. Communications Coodinator – Kay Chase
      1. Outreach – Bob Tischbein
      2. Website – Larry Sobczak
      3. Membership – K. Newell – Letterheads, ID Cards, newsletter.
      4. Copy of  membership list from K. Newell – Bob T.
    3. Future Meetings – Jim Wallington
  10. Regional Chapters reports
    1. Metro Detroit District –  Jim Hinkins
    2. Acting East Central District- Jim Wallington
    3. Acting Western – John Langdon
    4. Northern District – Don Montieth- remap of  MARP regions
  11. Old Business
    1. Michigan Central Station at Jackson Group-withdrawl
    2. Reappoint  Jim Wallington as Indian Trails Liaison – Bob T.
  12. New Business
    1. Assisting J.R. with  our newsletter – Hugh Gurney
    2. Port Huron/Sarnia  border crossing  – Hugh Gurney
    3. T.J. Gaffney – Jim Wallington
    4. Inviting  Railmark to speak at our meetings – Jim Wallington
    5. MARP role in supporting  RR’s in MI – Don Monteith
    6. Items for meeting with MAG, Lev, and monorail modes- D.M.
  13. Fix time and place of next meeting
  14. Adjourn