Saturday, September 10, 2011, is the date for MARP’s 38th Annual Meeting. Clara’s On The River –the former Michigan Central depot in Battle Creek – is the place. Our keynote speaker will be former Congressman Dr. John “Joe” Schwarz, whose experience in government and lifelong interest in railroading give him a unique perspective and influential voice in the continued development of train services in Michigan. Tim Hoeffner, head of MDOT’s office of high-speed rail, and Rick Harnish, Midwest High Speed Rail Assoc., will provide updates on the many exciting initiatives to expand and improve passenger train services in our region. We will also hear about the renovation of the Battle Creek Station which is now underway.
Reservations for the meeting, which includes a catered, sit-down luncheon, must be postmarked by Wednesday, August 24. GET YOURS IN THE MAIL NOW!